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Poppy Blue Necklace
€1.090,00 EUR
Lemon Quartz, Rose gold
Rose gold
Lemon Quartz Smoky Quartz Citrine Madeira Garnet Topaz London Blue Swiss Blue Briolette Topaz Amethyst Rose Quartz Prasiolite Briolette+ 4 more
Poppy Blue Necklace
€1.190,00 EUR
Swiss Blue Briolette Topaz, Rose gold
Rose gold
Swiss Blue Briolette Topaz Amethyst Rose Quartz Prasiolite Briolette Lemon Quartz Smoky Quartz Citrine Madeira Garnet Topaz London Blue Briolette+ 4 more
Poppy Blue Necklace
€1.190,00 EUR
Garnet, Rose gold
Rose gold
Garnet Topaz London Blue Briolette Swiss Blue Briolette Topaz Amethyst Rose Quartz Prasiolite Briolette Lemon Quartz Smoky Quartz Citrine Madeira+ 4 more
Poppy Blue Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Topaz London Blue Briolette, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
Topaz London Blue Briolette Swiss Blue Briolette Topaz Topaz Sky Blue Briolette Amethyst Briolette Rose Quartz Briolette Smoky Quartz Briolette Prasiolite Briolette Lemon Quartz Garnet Briolette Citrine Madeira Briolette Black Spinel Briolette Malachite Briolette Turquoise Briolette Briolette Rutile Quartz Rock Crystal Briolette | White Mother-of-Pearl Briolette+ 10 more
Fiore Di Mamma necklace with small diamond discs
€1.290,00 EUR
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond Malachite | Diamond Onyx | Diamond Turquoise | Diamond Grey Mother of Pearl | Diamond
Amore Nana diamond pastille necklace
€1.290,00 EUR
White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold
White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds
Amore Nana diamond pastille necklace
€1.290,00 EUR
Malachite | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds
Amore Nana diamond pastille necklace
€1.290,00 EUR
Onyx | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds
Amore Nana diamond pastille necklace
€1.290,00 EUR
Turquoise | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds
Amore Nana diamond pastille necklace
€1.290,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma pastlle diamond necklace
€1.290,00 EUR
Onyx | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.550,00 EUR
Topaz London Blue Carved, Rose gold
Rose gold
Topaz London Blue Carved Swiss Blue Carved Topaz Amethyst Carved Carved Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Carved Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Carved Sky Blue Carved Topaz Prasiolite Carved+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.550,00 EUR
Topaz Swiss Blue, Rose gold
Rose gold
Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Amethyst, Rose gold
Rose gold
Amethyst Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Smoky Quartz, Rose gold
Rose gold
Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Rose Quartz, Rose gold
Rose gold
Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Lemon Quartz, Rose gold
Rose gold
Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst Smoky Quartz+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Topaz Sky Blue, Rose gold
Rose gold
Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Prasiolite Carved, Rose gold
Rose gold
Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue+ 4 more
Poppy Carved Necklace
€1.350,00 EUR
Citrine Madeira, Rose gold
Rose gold
Citrine Madeira Topaz Sky Blue Prasiolite Carved Topaz London Blue Topaz Swiss Blue Amethyst Smoky Quartz Lemon Quartz Rose Quartz+ 4 more
Fiore Di Mamma necklace with diamond surround, small model
€1.490,00 EUR
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond Malachite | Diamond Onyx | Diamond Turquoise | Diamond Grey Mother of Pearl | Diamond
Fiore Di Mamma pastlle diamond necklace
€1.490,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma diamond entourage necklace
€1.490,00 EUR
Onyx | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma diamond entourage necklace
€1.490,00 EUR
Turquoise | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma diamond entourage necklace
€1.490,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Buona Fortuna diamond entourage necklace
€1.590,00 EUR
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond Malachite | Diamond Onyx | Diamond Turquoise | Diamond Grey Mother of Pearl | Diamond
Buona Fortuna diamond entourage necklace
€1.590,00 EUR
Malachite | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds
Buona Fortuna diamond entourage necklace
€1.590,00 EUR
Onyx | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds
Buona Fortuna diamond entourage necklace
€1.590,00 EUR
Turquoise | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds
Buona Fortuna diamond entourage necklace
€1.590,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Poppy Blue Necklace
€1.750,00 EUR
Topaz Sky Blue, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
Topaz Sky Blue Amethyst Rose Quartz Lemon Quartz Smoky Quartz Citrine Madeira Garnet Topaz London Blue+ 3 more
Fiore Di Mamma diamond entourage necklace
€1.990,00 EUR
Malachite | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds
Amore Nana multi hearts gold necklace
€2.090,00 EUR
Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
Sharpine Amore Nana
€2.090,00 EUR
Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold
Fiore Di Mamma diamond pave necklace
€2.190,00 EUR
Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
Amore Nana waterfall necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond Malachite | Diamond Onyx | Diamond Turquoise | Diamond Grey Mother of Pearl | Diamond
Amore Nana multi heart necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold
White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds
Amore Nana multi heart necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Malachite | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds
Amore Nana multi heart necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Onyx | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds
Amore Nana multi heart necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Turquoise | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds
Amore Nana multi heart necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Amore Nana waterfall necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Malachite | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds
Amore Nana waterfall necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Onyx | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds
Amore Nana waterfall necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Turquoise | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds
Amore Nana waterfall necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma multi clovers necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
Turquoise | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma multi clovers necklace
€2.390,00 EUR
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold Yellow gold
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond Malachite | Diamond Onyx | Diamond Turquoise | Diamond Grey Mother of Pearl | Diamond
Buona Fortuna multi token necklace
€2.490,00 EUR
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond, Rose gold
Rose gold White gold
White Mother of Pearl | Diamond Malachite | Diamond Onyx | Diamond Turquoise | Diamond Grey Mother of Pearl | Diamond
Buona Fortuna multi token necklace
€2.490,00 EUR
Malachite | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds
Fiore Di Mamma trio necklace
€2.650,00 EUR
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds, Rose gold
Rose gold
Gray Mother of Pearl | Diamonds White Mother-of-Pearl | Diamonds Malachite | Diamonds Onyx | Diamonds Turquoise | Diamonds
Points of sale

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